You normally can only have a maximum of five grenades or doses of Medigel in your inventory. Note that the numerical value after giveitem self portion of the code represents the level of the item or weapons spawned.Ģ. For example, enter giveitem self 8 assault_rifle manf_ariake_weap to spawn a Ariake Technologies Tsumani VIII assault rifle. Unlockachievement - Unlock the indicated achievementġ.

Upgradevehicle veharmorboost - May increase armor value of Mako ATV Upgradevehicle vehthrusterforcebooster - Increase jump height of Mako ATV3 Givebonustalent - Get the indicated talent, regardless of your character's class Givesupergun - Geth assault rifle that inflicts 25000 points of damage Givesuperarmor - Suit of light "Survivor X" armor with 8000 shields Initcredits - Add indicated number of credits into your accountĪdjustcredits - Adjust credits plus or minus the amount entered Initmedigel - Spawn indicated number of Medigel doses2 Initsalvage - Spawn indicated number of Omnigel "doses" Initgrenades - Spawn indicated number of grenades2 Giveallxmods - All weapons and armor mods Givetalentpoints - Add indicated number of talent points for player Setrenegade - Set renegade to indicated value Setparagon - Set paragon to indicated value Givexp - Get indicated amount of experience points Giveallbioamps - Get Bioamps from indicated manufacturer

Giveallomnitools - Get Omnitools from indicated manufacturer Giveallarmor - Get armor from indicated manufacturer Giveall - Get one of every weapon and modifier item level 1-X Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: Then, press during game play to display the console window. Add the following line under the "" heading. Use a text editor to edit the "BIOInput.ini" file in the "\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Config" directory. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.